Frauenthal Gnotec head office is located at Lindholmen in Gothenburg, Sweden. Lindholmen is the heart of Sweden’s automotive cluster with direct access to the world’s largest car markets and over 330 companies and organizations are brought together in an international environment at the riverside.
Theres Svenssons gata 7
SE-417 55 Gothenburg, Sweden
168 Xinhong Rd,
Qiandeng Town, Kunshan
Jiangsu Province, 215341, China
Bratislavska 130/2
CZ-693 01 Hustopece
Scheibenberger Strasse 45
D-09481, Elterlein, Germany
Office Kinnared
Box 46 (Älvdalsvägen)
SE-314 05 Kinnared, Sweden
Gamla Nissastigen 5 (Logistics)
Västra Industrigatan 4 (Office)
SE-314 32 Hyltebruk, Sweden
400 S Nelson Dr.
Fountain Inn, SC 29644, US